C Song (Bohemian Rhapsody)

Gesungen zur Musik Bohemian Rhapsody von Queen :

Is this the real world?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a LAN-slide
No ESC to reality.
open(2) your files,
Look after your while()s in C;
Its just a cheap toy, but dearer than Symphony(tm)
With it’s wheezy cough, noisy beep
Address clash, little sleep
Anything but Windows(tm),
Nothing beats class lib’ries to me,
To me.

Just killed a RAM
Got some static on its pins,
Now I don’t see the dust bin,
‘Write’ had just been run,
But now I’ve got to throw it all away
Mama, ooooooh,
Didn’t mean to make it fry
If I’ve no stack to overflow tomorrow,
Carry one, carry one,
‘Cause there’s nothing like class lib’ries.

Too late, My time(2) has come
Send lightning down my line
Stop my make(1) before it’s time
Goodbye, everybody,
I’ve got to go,
Gotta leave you all behind and read Knuth.

Mama, ooooooh, (Anything but Windows(tm))
I don’t want to *sigh*
I sometimes wish I’d never known Bourne at all.
I see a little silhouetto of a man(1),
Scarramouche, Scarramouche,
Did you run the test script yet?
Thunderbolt and lightning,
Blowing up my modem, me.
Gone away now,
Gone away now,
Gone away now, Windows(tm) froze.
Its worse than crap (oh oh oh oh)

It’s just a cheap toy, ev’rybody has three
It’s just a cheap toy from a cheap company
Spare us our lifes from this monstrosity!
Wheezy cough, noisy beep, will you let us sleep?
Drink Miller! GNU! We will not let you sleep!
– let us sleep!)
Drink Miller! GNU! We will not let you sleep!
– (let us sleep!)
Drink Miller! Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)

Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)
Will not let you sleep (let us sleep!)
Oh Mama mia, mama mia,
Mama mia, let us sleep!
Be-el-ze-Gates has a widget put beside my tree,
my tree,
my tree!

So you think you can force me to use ’95?
So you think you can love me and leave me no drives?
Oh, baby,
Can’t do this to me baby,
Just gotta c-out, just gotta get write(2) out of here.

Nothing beats class lib’ries,
Anything in C,
Nothing beats class lib’ries,
Nothing beats class lib’ries to me.

Anything but Windows(tm).

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