knife (8) manual page



knife, axe, cutter, chainsaw – tools to improve network performance via SNIP


knife is used to control the network via Sysadmin Network Interrupt Protocol [SNIP].


Experience has shown that suitable application of these tools on the network can lead to improved network performance, as busy segments of useless traffic can be isolated from the important stuff (and the rest of the world, for that matter). However, care must be taken, otherwise lusers will be complaining about “network downtime”.

knife vs lart(1m)

While knife can be used as a replacement for lart(1m), the reverse is not generally true; while blunt trauma works wonders on lusers, it tends to be ineffective on cables. Also, note that using knife or one of it’s associates as a lart(1m) will probably lead to higher level assault charges than one would get with a standard LART.

chainsaw, the power SNIP tool

chainsaw is a version of knife that makes quick work of almost any problem. It also has a correspondingly higher potential for causing unintentional damage. Handle with care.


In its normal application to cables, knife uses no files. If applied to a disk, many files may be affected; see mkfs(8).




You may be required to fix things eventually.


Bosses and the legal system may take a dim view of overenthusiastic application of these tools.


While the origin of the first knife remains a mystery, this man page was written by Kurt Hockenbury <>. He disclaims responsibility for any actions inspired by this man page.


SNIP was first described on alt.sysadmin.recovery by J.D. Falk <> as a followup to a post by <>.

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