Undocumented Windows 95 errors

The following is a list of undocumented Windows 95 error codes which somehow got overlooked when printing the documentation.

WinErr 001: Windows loaded – System in danger
WinErr 002: No Error – Yet
WinErr 003: Dynamic linking error – Your mistake is now in every file
WinErr 004: Erroneous error – Nothing is wrong
WinErr 005: Multitasking attempted – System confused
WinErr 006: Malicious error – Desqview found on drive
WinErr 007: System price error – Inadequate money spent on hardware
WinErr 008: Broken window – Watch out for glass fragments
WinErr 009: Horrible bug encountered – God knows what has happened
WinErr 00A: Promotional literature overflow – Mailbox full
WinErr 00B: Inadequate disk space – Free at least 50MB
WinErr 00C: Memory hog error – More Ram needed. More! More! More!
WinErr 00D: Window closed – Do not look outside
WinErr 00E: Window open – Do not look inside
WinErr 00F: Unexplained error – Please tell us how this happened
WinErr 010: Reserved for future mistakes by our developers
WinErr 011: Window open – Do not look outside
WinErr 012: Window closed – Do not look inside
WinErr 013: Unexpected error – Huh ?
WinErr 014: Keyboard locked – Try anything you can think of.
WinErr 018: Unrecoverable error – System has been destroyed. Buy a new one. Old Windows licence is not valid anymore.
WinErr 019: User error – Not our fault. Is Not! Is Not!
WinErr 01A: Operating system overwritten – Please reinstall all your software. We are terribly sorry.
WinErr 01B: Illegal error – You are not allowed to get this error. Next time you will get a penalty for that.
WinErr 01C: Uncertainty error – Uncertainty may be inadequate.
WinErr 01D: System crash – We are unable to figure out our own code.
WinErr 01E: Timing error – Please wait. And wait. And wait. And wait.
WinErr 01F: Reserved for future mistakes of our developers.
WinErr 020: Error recording error codes – Additional errors will be lost.
WinErr 042: Virus error – A virus has been activated in a dos-box. The virus, however, requires Windows. All tasks will automatically be closed and the virus will be activated again.
WinErr 079: Mouse not found – A mouse driver has not been installed. Please click the left mouse button to continue.
WinErr 103: Error buffer overflow – Too many errors encountered. Additional errors may not be displayed or recorded.
WinErr 294: BlackMail Error – $500 to Gates or your computer gets screwed
WinErr 294b: BlackMail Error – $500 to Gates or I’ll show your wife the JPG’s you just downloaded
WinErr 39c: Disk Error in drive a: – Although your disk is in perfect condition (I just formatted it), I don’t like it any more
WinErr 625: Working Error – The system has been working perfectly for the past ten minutes
WinErr 678: This will end your Windows session. Do you want to play another game?
WinErr 683: Time out error – Operator fell asleep while waiting for the system to complete boot procedure.
WinErr 72a: Crucial Halt – Hang on, WHAT was that?
WinErr 72b: Memory Error – What? Tell me again.
WinErr 815: Insufficient Memory – Only 50,312,583 Bytes available
WinErr 902: Screen Error – The system is working perfectly, I’m not lying, your monitor is wrong
WinErr 983: Hard Disk Error – The files on the hard disk were neatly arranged and fully optimised, so I had to mess them up and put a couple of hundred .TMP files all over the place

Windows 95 fouten

WinErr 001: Windows geladen – Systeem in gevaar.
WinErr 002: Dynamic linking fout – De fout bevindt zich nu in ieder bestand.
WinErr 003: Multitasking geprobeerd – Systeem is in de war.
WinErr 004: Time out fout – Gebruiker is in slaap gevallen terwijl Windows 95 opnieuw opstartte.
WinErr 005: Broken window – Watch out for glass fragments.
WinErr 006: Window closed – Do not look outside.
WinErr 007: Window open – Do not look inside.
WinErr 008: Foutenbuffer overladen – Te veel foutmeldingen. Volgende errors zullen niet weergegeven worden.
WinErr 009: Onverklaarbare fout – Vertel ons hoe dit gebeurd is.
WinErr 010: Gereserveerd voor toekomstige fouten van onze programmeurs.
WinErr 011: Onverwachte fout – Huh ?
WinErr 012: Onherstelbare fout – Uw systeem is vernietigd ; koop een nieuwe PC. Uw oude Windows-licentie is daarop echter niet meer geldig.
WinErr 013: Gebruikersfout – Dit is niet onze fout
WinErr 014: Illegale fout – U hebt geen toelating om deze fout te krijgen.
WinErr 015: Virus fout – Er is een virus geactiveerd in een dos-box. Deze virus vereist echter Windows 95. Alle openstaande toepassingen zullen automatisch afgesloten worden en het virusprogramma zal weer opgestart worden.
WinErr 016: Muis niet gevonden – Er werd geen muisdriver geïnstalleerd. Klik op de linkermuisknop om de wizard te starten.
WinErr 017: Windows is aan het opstarten. Kom morgen eens kijken.
WinErr 666: Vreselijke fout gegenereerd – Alleen God weet wat er gebeurd is

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