Windows 95 versus Jesus Christ

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ComputerHumorMicrosoft
  • Lesedauer:2 min Lesezeit

If you have half a brain, you can’t help but notice the throng of publications, analists and net users declaring Windows 95 the Saviour of the Computer Industry. If you have less than half a brain, you probably believe it. Could it be?

Let’s compare Windows 95 against a widely-accepted Saviour, Jesus of Nazareth.

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Star Trek: What if Data were Microsoft compatible?

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ComputerHumorMicrosoft
  • Lesedauer:5 min Lesezeit

WORF “Captain, there are three Romulan warships uncloaking dead ahead.”

PICARD “On screen.”

The main viewing screen changes to a pattern of horizontal lines, each only a single pixel wide.

PICARD “Data, what’s wrong here?”

DATA “Captain, the main viewscreen does not have sufficient video memory to display an image of this size. May I suggest that you select a lower resolution?”

(mehr …)

WeiterlesenStar Trek: What if Data were Microsoft compatible?

Top 10 abgelehnte kostenlose Microsoft Hotlines

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ComputerHumorMicrosoft
  • Lesedauer:1 min Lesezeit

#10 +49-800-927-0470 (+49-800-WAS-IS) #9 +49-800-434-0934 (+49-800-GEH-WEG) #8 +49-800-380-3663 (+49-800-DU-DOOF) #7 +49-800-382-4783 (+49-800-DU-BIST-DUMM) #6 +49-800-424-2468 (+49-800-ICH-BIN-TAUB) #5 +49-800-385-6737 (+49-800-DU-LOSER) #4 +49-800-722-5477 (+49-800-SACKGASSE) #3 +49-800-677-7846 (+49-800-MS-STINKT) #2 +49-800-434-9874 (+49-800-GEH-ZUR-HOELLE) Und die Nummer…

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