The Devil and WM Webster

  • Beitrags-Kategorie:ComputerHumor
  • Lesedauer:3 min Lesezeit

Springfield, Massachusetts

WM, publishers of the first American English Dictionary have announced a breakthrough using Trusted MegoPosh computer technology.

The new AutoRight(tm) software announced by MegoPosh CEO Bill Heaps last week has enabled WM to rapidly file for copyright and trademark protection for every individual word of American English, as well as every possible combination of 1-128 words with which sentences, clauses and phrases are constructed.

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Männer Regeln

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condom (1) manual page

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Core Dumped Blues

Well, my terminal’s locked up, and I ain’t got any Mail,
And I can’t recall the last time that my program didn’t fail;
I’ve got stacks in my structs, I’ve got arrays in my queues,
I’ve got the : Segmentation violation — Core dumped blues.

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