Idiot’s Guide to Windows 95 Ads

Understanding Microsoft Marketing

  • Multitasking: You can crash several programs all at once. No waiting!
  • Built-in Networking: You can crash several PC`s all at once. No need to buy Novell Personal Netware or LANtastic to crash.
  • Microsoft Network: Connect with other Windows 95 users and talk about your crash experiences. Support groups in different cities will be organized.
  • PnP: Plug and Pray (that it works)
  • Multimedia: Experience the immense sight and sound of crashing.
  • Compatible with existing software: It will also crash your existing software.
  • Increased Productivity: You will need to increase your budget to buy more products like RAM and HardDrives. Better yet, get a new computer! That`s product-ivity.
  • User-Friendly: Picture of clouds
  • State of the Art: Pay for Bill`s next bid for a work of art.
  • Macintosh-like: It took Microsoft eleven years and it`s not even original.
  • Online Registration: Dial into Microsoft and let them snoop around your harddrive. This will guarantee you a place in Microsoft`s files for the rest of your life.
  • MS Plus: More money for Bill`s plus side.
  • Optimize: It will increase the utilization of your hard drive and cpu so much so that you`ll end up upgrading your system. See “Increased Productivity”.

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